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英勇废柴 La odisea de los giles(2019)VIP

简介Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri "The Night of the Heroic Losers" (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires, many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001, a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial property. But even before they can carry out the project, a scam makes them hit rock bottom and react in the face of injustice. Now it's about robbing the thief. This novel narrates the story of a well-deserved collective revenge carried out during a legendary night that will never be forgotten.
主演里卡多·达林 / 路易斯·布兰多尼 / 奇诺·达林 / 维罗妮卡·利纳斯 / 丽塔·科尔泰塞 / 安德烈斯·帕拉 / Daniel Aráoz / Carlos Belloso / Marco Antonio Caponi / Federico Berón / Luciano Cazaux / Alejandro Gigena / Guillermo Jacubowicz / José María Marcos / Ailín Zaninovich
类型剧情 喜剧 冒险  
地区西班牙 阿根廷 
别名Heroic Losers
评分豆瓣 6.7 / IMDB 7.3 / 时光网 N/A / 烂番茄 100%

英勇废柴 La odisea de los giles的剧情简介……

Based on the book from Eduardo Sacheri "The Night of the Heroic Losers" (Alfaguara Novel Prize 2016). In a far-flung town in the province of Buenos Aires, many things are about to die out. During the economic crisis that led to the traumatic bank freeze of 2001, a group of men decides to gather the amount of money necessary to acquire some abandoned silos on an agro-industrial property. But even before they can carry out the project, a scam makes them hit rock bottom and react in the face of injustice. Now it's about robbing the thief. This novel narrates the story of a well-deserved collective revenge carried out during a legendary night that will never be forgotten.
百度网盘 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eTSUC07fuQ4kfx8mMazBfQ
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